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SteamVR’s Performance Benchmarks For NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti And RTX 2080

VR performance is very important when it comes to NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti And RTX 2080. Users have tested them and we are here to share with you their benchmarking results. If graphics are a priority for you, you might want to take a look.

SteamVR’s SteamVR benchmark

For this benchmark the devices scaled well, although GPUs scored an 11, and this is not unusual for the SteamVR benchmark which should be recalibrated for the new GPUs. The RTX 2080 Ti has almost two times the performance of the GTX 1080 which is an evolution that we have to appreciate.

If we judge by these results, the RTX 2080 is 50 percent better compared to the GTX 1080. When using DX12 and DX11, the difference wasn’t that big: 30 to 40 percent. If we take a look at the RTX 2080 Ti and the 1080 Ti we can see that the first one is 30% faster.

UL Benchmarks’ VRMark

The Cyan and the Orange tests didn’t offer any clear results, but the Blue Room test managed to offer some useful performance measurements. By using his test, it became clear that the RTX 2080 Ti is still 30 percent faster than the RTX 2080.

Additionally, the RTX 2080 is almost 60 percent faster than the GTX 1080, while the RTX 2080 Ti is almost 60 faster compared to the GTX 1080 Ti. This test showed us that you don’t really need to upgrade from a 1080 or a 1080 Ti unless you have a high-resolution VR headset. You might also feel the need to upgrade if you have high-resolution VR titles. The RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti have the ideal GPUs for 5K VR headsets.

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