Digital Overload

A New Facebook Bug Does Not Let You Delete the Profile

Facebook users encounter an odd problem when it comes to deleting the account. ‘Sorry, something went wrong’ is the standard message that pops out. But this issue seems to only appear for the users with big content posted on their Facebook profile.

VentureBeat reports that one user was unable to take down his account from the platform after attempting to do so in several browsers and devices. He “had contacted Facebook multiple times,” VentureBeat reported, “and was even considering hiring a lawyer.”

Anyway, it was reported to be just a bug, not a Facebook restriction. After the news went viral on the social network, an engineer resolved the issue. Apparently, when users try to delete an account with lots of posts, each post has to be taken down making the process longer and it will appear on a blank page. Facebook increased the time it takes to delete accounts from 14 days to 30 days. The increase gives people more time to make a fully informed choice,” the spokesperson from Facebook said.

VentureBeat reports, that Facebook said that the company only knew about one other user who had the same problem but they are sure there are many others.

Throughout the years Facebook has blamed bugs for many errors. In April, copies of videos users had taken but subsequently discarded before posting were kept. In June, millions of users had their privacy settings changed to the public due to another missed error and a month later, the social network effectively unblocked users without informing the user. But this is the first time when the company Facebook has put the blame on the machines for the bad experience.

Update 4:24pm ET: A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to Gizmodo in an email that this was a bug that impacted people with a lot of posts and that it has been resolved.

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