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The iPhone XR Is Now Available for Preorder – Some Colors Already Sold Out!

Apple’s newest low-price iPhone, the iPhone XR starts at $749 (the 64 GB model) and is now available for pre-order online ( / Apple Store app) or just by going to an Apple store. It comes in six colors: black, white, red, yellow, blue, and coral. And, believe it or not, the yellow model is nearly sold out in the United States.

Right at half an hour after pre-orders went live, some colors began selling out and are now unavailable for launch day delivery in the US. For example, the yellow iPhone XR from T-Mobile will start being delivered in November instead of 26 October. In the UK, coral and yellow models have a delay of one-two weeks, as the supply started selling out.

The other colors are available for launch day delivery in the US, but some areas have stores with a very low supply.

If you were wondering why the yellow model is a popular choice, we have no idea – but it could be that Apple made less yellow iPhone XR models than the other colors, and has seen a faster sell out. Nonetheless, it is a sign that the others will follow.

Apple has not provided yet cases for the iPhone XR, which is a first, because new iPhones would be released with matching cases. According to the iPhone XR press release, some countries will get a clear case for the phone to show off the colors.

If you do not plan on pre-ordering an iPhone XR, you can get one on October 26 and buy it from the stores.

iPhone XR Specs

If you’ve read about the iPhone XS, then you should know a few things about the iPhone XR. It has an A12 Bionic processor and a primary camera. However, unlike the XS, the XR has a 6.1-inch LCD screen, it doesn’t come with a 3D Touch or a secondary camera, or with a stainless steel frame. The iPhone XR is lighter, a successor of the iPhone8, and given its price, it is a popular choice when it comes to choosing an iPhone.

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