Digital Overload

Sims 4 New DLC Lets You Be An Influencer

The Sims developer, Maxis has designed the game to have almost all the mundane quotidian life features such as getting married or get sick from bad food. In the new expansion Get Famous from The Sims 4,  Maxis has tried to make the player virtual experience more real and relatable so he added a new vocation to get work and get money, the influencer.

Grant Rodiek, senior producer reported that the demand for new job in the game is big. Players keep on asking for more relatable jobs or traits so the company is in search alert all the time to give players more to explore. Giving fashion and style official paths to the sims, reached out to the generation Z audience players.

However creating jobs based on the use of internet in a virtual game was pretty hard. The developer has to create reactions from a sim as a result of them doing anything, so having sims to show clear evolution and reaction from browsing the web took a little time.

On Instagram sims can post insta bait such as pets and food on their account Simstagarm. On the expansion Get Famous from The Sims 4 there is also a Pinterest board where sims can get inspiration and style ideas but it does not go complete in the social media zone. Maxis focuses more on style influencing that Youtube influencing through vlogs.

Grant Rodiek the senior producer reported that there will be Twitch streamer where players can write about how their sims would live the viral fame like writing their story.

Get Famous expansion will be released in November and the new jobs will be free for the players who own The Sims 4.

“Really what we do in the game is generally lighthearted … We present this as a serious career, a real career, a real way to go about making a living.”  Grand Rodiek said.

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