Digital Overload

Pokemon Go – How to Activate Adventure Sync on Android and iOS

Niantic revealed that a new feature will come to its games that feature Augmented Reality which include Pokemon Go. Called Adventure Sync, the feature is already available for certain trainers.

Adventure Sync

Like in other cases, this new feature is currently avaialbe in Pokemon Go only for trainers who reached Level 40. Slowyly, it will start to roll back to trainers of lower levels, but in the end you will still have to be at least Level 5 to use Adventure Sync. It will allow players to record their distance in Pokemon Go while the app isn’t open. This translates into earning Buddy Candy or hatching Eggs without having to take out your phone from your pocket.

How to activate it

Using the Adventure Sync feature in Pokemon Go will require you to always leave your location permissions turned on and connect to either Google Fit or Apple Health.
Open Pokemon Go and tap the main menu button

Access Settings

Tap on Adventure Sync. This step will prompt you to grant permissions for the game to access your Google Fit or Apple Health data.

Disabling Adventure Sync is simple as well. You will just have to revisit the settings menu and uncheck Adventure Sync


Certain trainers may have to go through some issues when the feature is active. Those finding their weekly report data incomplete or out-of-date probably have their certain settings on their mobile phone wrongly tuned.

Some reasons that would explain why this is happening will include a delay of up to several hours to sync your steps, which would translate into you not being able of seeing the latest available data. If your power saver mode is activated on your phone, then this may disable the sensors necessary for Adventure Sync to work. So, make sure to go through all the proper instruction before turning this feature on.

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