Digital Overload

Here’s How That “Underwater Plane” Appeared On Google Earth

Google Earth has created some interesting mysteries. From time to time we hear about a mysterious things found by users on the map. Glitches are not unusual either, and they are fascinated as well. The Mirror reported the latest discovery: a ghost plane which appeared to be submerged off Scotland coast.

The discovery was made by Robert Morton, and it led to several speculations online. However, it appears that we finally have an answer for it, and it is not a plane crash that was covered up by authorities and the media.

The image is just a glitch

Google offered an explanation and it offered us more details about the way the app works. “The reason it looks like the plane is underwater is because each satellite image you see on the map is actually a compilation of several images. Fast-moving objects, like planes, often show up in only one of the many images we use for a given area. When this happens, faint remnants of the fast-moving object can sometimes be seen,” explained a Google spokesperson.

If you don’t believe it, you can check the image yourself at the coordinates 55 degrees 57 minutes 26 seconds north latitude and 3 degrees 05 minutes 35 seconds west longitude. As about Morton, it appears that he wasn’t too disappointed, as he was aware from the start that the image might be just a glitch.

“I know the picture of the plane isn’t really in the water, it’s probably the satellite looking down on it through thin cloud giving it that appearance. I thought it was unusual as I’ve not seen an aircraft in flight captured by Google Earth before. It may just be another Google anomaly,” he declared when he first reported his finding.

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