Digital Overload

Boom Beach Best Tricks To Easily Succeed in 2019

Supercell is known for creating addictive games, and Boom Beach is no exception. Most players who try it fall in love with it instantly. This mobile strategy game makes you use your army to fight other armies situated in a tropical archipelago. Your goal is to defeat the locals. Since this game is so popular, we have prepared a couple of tips and tricks that will help you improve your strategy.

Don’t rush your buildings

Diamonds are the currency for this game and you should make sure that you don’t waste them. Even if the game is free to play, there are in-app purchases for diamonds and you’d have to spend real money for them. If you don’t want to spend any cash on the game, you should use your diamonds carefully. Don’t use them to rush buildings, as it is better to wait.

Sawmills should be your priority

You won’t be able to do anything in the game unless you have enough wood. That is because wood is used for everything, and without it you can use stone or iron either. There is only one way to get wood, and that is by using sawmills.

Therefore, you should start by building sawmills and upgrading them. Even if you’d rather upgrade other bases first, remember that without your wood you won’t be able to build or upgrade your defences, which will make you vulnerable.

Radars are important

Radars are sometimes overlooked, but the truth is that they are very important. They will allow you to explore islands that are far away. Once you upgrade radars you can get even further. That is a good thing because the islands located far away usually have better treasures.

You can always rearrange your base

You shouldn’t be too stressed about arranging your base right away, because you can always change it even after you have built it up. In fact, rearranging is recommended if you want to improve your defense.

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