Digital Overload

New Clash Royale Balance Update – Magic Archer, Valkyrie, Goblin Giant, And More

If you didn’t check out Clash Royale’s blog posts, then you probably don’t know that there will be a new balance update that goes live on 7 January. We’ve made a list with all the changes and added some of the in-depth details on why these changes have been made by the Clash Royale team.

According to their blog post, we should expect more changes every month:

“You can expect monthly balance updates to keep gameplay fine tuned and as fun as possible.”

This month they focused on several troops and spells.

Magic Archer: First Attack faster

The team realized that nerfing the Magic Archer has been too much, so they brought him back up by making his first attack faster.

Goblin Giant: Hitpoints +3%, Spear Goblin Range Increased

Seeing that the Goblin Giant is not used as much as any other cards that could win the game, the team decided to make him more resistant and have the Goblins throw their spears a little further.

Sparky: Range Increased 4.5 -> 4.75

Ever since the Electro Wizard came into picture, Sparky has needed some buff. Now she can blast him away and get to the towers way sooner than before.

Valkyrie: Hit Speed increased 1.6 -> 1.5

Even though Valkyrie was popular in the past, the team decided to give her some Hit Speed to let her increase her win rate.

Heal: Elixir Cost decreased 3 -> 1, Duration Reduced 2.5 -> 2, Healing/sec -63%

The team wanted to reduce the cost of Heal to end the metagame frustration, especially when players use a large spell. This way, players can now use it in other decks as it is now a smaller spell.

Barbarian Barrel: Deploy Time reduced

In the last balancing, Barbarian Barrel got a buff which made it deploy faster. Now that increase has been reduced to half so that his first attack can be countered and not nearly instant.

Golem: Golemite Death Damage Pushback reduced

The Clash Royale team saw that this stat is wrong, considering it’s the same as the one the big Golem has, which is a bit weird – so it has been cut in half.

Battle Ram: Charge Damage -11%

Seeing that the Battle Ram is too powerful, the damage has been reduced so that it’s more like the one made by Hog Rider.

Freeze: Tower Damage -65%

Since all Spells against towers have -65% damage, it was only obvious that Freeze must get reduced.

Barbarian Hut: Hitpoints -7%

It’s been years since Barbarian hasn’t been changed. In the past month, it has proved to have a top win rate, meaning it must get adjusted.


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