Digital Overload

Pokemon Go January Community Day: Bonuses and Pokemon Featured in January

We’re getting close to the first Pokemon Go Community Day this year. Niantic will roll out the real-world event on 12 January, this Saturday, and it will come with many bonuses.

Players get to capture rare Pokemon and win huge bonuses. But what should we expect this weekend?

Each Community Day lasts about three hours, and each event has had specific details. This January Community day will be live according to the schedule below.

Pokemon Go January Community Day

Niantic usually brings a rare Pokemon more frequently in the wild than it usually appears during the event. This month’s featured Pokemon will be Totodile, from the series of Pokemon Gold and Silver.

During Community Day, Niantic also makes the Shiny version of that featured Pokemon available, so now it’s our chance to get that Shiny Totodile in Pokemon Go.

If you catch and evolve Totodile into the final form – Feraligatr up to an hour after the event ends, your Pokemon will learn a special exclusive move that cannot be learned from anywhere else.

Niantic hasn’t yet stated what the move will be.

Community Day Schedule

Fortunately for us, this real-world event in Pokemon Go doesn’t need a specific location. The only restriction is the limited time, and as for a good spot – any local park or place where people usually gather is just fine.

You will only have three hours, and the event starts depending on what part of the globe you live in:

The Americas and Greenland – 11 AM – 2 PM PT / 2 PM – 5 PM ET

Europe, Middle East, and Africa – 10 AM – 1 PM UTC

Asia-Pacific 12 PM – 3 PM JST (January 13)

Niantic will also offer some bonuses for this event. This month, Incubators will be four times more effective, so if you want to hatch an Egg, you can only walk just a quarter of the distance. Lure modules will remain active for three hours and not just half an hour.

The bonuses during Community Day stack with those of the ongoing Adventure Sync Hatchathon, which means you can couple them to earn a ton of Stardust and Candy as the bonus of the Adventure Sync Hatchathon gives twice the Stardust and Candy for each Pokemon Egg you get to hatch!

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