Digital Overload

Clash of Clans: How to Find a Good Clan

Let’s say you’ve just started playing the most popular mobile game in the world. You’ll soon find out that if you want to get some help in game and experience all that it has to offer, you will need to find a good clan – the game is called Clash of Clans for a reason!

But how do you find a good clan?

In-Game Search

The first and easiest way to find a clan is to search for one in-game. Click your XP level number when you are on the home village screen, get to the “Clans” tab and then “Filters.”

From that window, you can find Clans according to the settings you choose, like location or advanced options like Clan Points and Minimum Clan level.

Take into consideration that a big part of Clash of Clans is Clan Wars in which you will have to participate. While some clans are more laid back, others are very set on winning more trophies and points. Choose a Clan which suits your needs.

Also, make sure the button “Only Clans I Can Join” is green.

In-Game Chat

The in-game Chat is also a great way to learn when Clans are looking for new members. When they send a message on the Global chat that they’re recruiting, click on a player’s message, and you can see its clan and its stats to figure out if it is to your liking.

On the Global Chat, you can also send messages saying that you are looking for a Clan.

Social Channels

There are various other places where you can find good clans. Discord is a hot spot for recruiting players, as there are also many Facebook and Twitter pages where you can find Clans looking for new members.

Before joining a Clan, check their Clan Profile. If you found one online, go to the “Clans” tab and enter their tag in the search box.

You will see their details and learn the levels of their Clan members, Clan statement and points gathered so far.

In the end, you will choose one that is either casual or a very ambitious Clan in War or getting many trophies. After determining what suits you best, you will see that the game is far better after joining a Clan!

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