Digital Overload

When Do We Get the Scoped Revolver in Fortnite?

We’ve all heard of Fortnite – that game that was released in 2017 from Epic Games, that comes with different modes that, after all, share the same gameplay and engine. You have to fight zombie-creatures and protect different objects, or fight to be the last one standing, or simply create your dream world and battle in arenas.  You can play the games on many platforms, like macOS, Windows, Xbox, PlayStation 4, iOS and Android, of course, and Nintendo Switch.

We come with great news for all the players around the world

The game is about to come with a brand-new weapon after the in-game news feed showed users a Revolver. The weapon, which has a scope on it, is named Scoped Revolver – really! According to the developers, the weapon will show “perfect accuracy at range.”

It all starts with the newsfeed of Fortnite

As we’ve all seen, when a weapon makes its appearance in the news feed on Fortnite, then it will be released with the upcoming patch. The developers tend to release their patches on Tuesdays usually, so we might see the Scoped Revolver in the game on the 15th of January. We have no leaks to take a look at, so we don’t know much about this gun, but we expect it to be similar to the last revolver, but with a little bit of more range.

It will come with six bullets at a time

They’re describing the new weapon as packing a punch, so it’s possible to come with high damage numbers. It will likely have six bullets at a time, so this is what might keep the Scoped Revolver balanced.

Together with the gun, we might see some changes in terms of the loot items – more might be on their way. But until then, we have to pick the Scoped Revolver normally.



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