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The Future of Destiny Franchise Teased by Bungie Right After The Activision Split

Bungie broke the deal with Activision, but it remained with the rights to Destiny, the popular sci-fi series. Now, Destiny’s franchise director, Luke Smith, came out to talk about Activision. He also teased about the future of Destiny franchise and Destiny 3.

Luke Smith thanked Activision for its support with the Destiny franchise. Bungie signed the deal with Activision publisher in 2010. In 2014, the first Destiny title launched, while the sequel rolled out in 2017. In that period, many Destiny expansions also emerged.

“We’ve learned a lot from Black Armory that we will apply to future releases, most notably that we’d like the beginning experiences of content drops to be a better point of convergence for the player base. In Black Armory, we set the Power requirement for the first forge too high, and that meant it wasn’t a great chance to jump into some new content. We want to find the line between new content that many players can play, and aspirational content for players to progress toward. We’re exploring improvements to catch-up mechanics for players in upcoming seasons,” said Luke Smith.

The Future of Destiny Franchise Teased by Bungie Right After The Activision Split

“We created the universe, and we hold its future entirely in our hands. The vast majority of the team is hard at work envisioning future experiences, enemies, and ways to play the Guardian you’ve been building since 2014. We’re going to keep doing that,” Smith added.

“We’re thinking about what it means to be truly independent, what it means to self-publish, and crucially, what Destiny’s future can now look like for our players. It was a busy Fall, and it is going to be a busy year. When I look ahead and think about Destiny and where it could go, I see a bright future, with roots in a memorable past. Not everything has been lost in the dark corners of time. See you soon,” Smith concluded.

Soon, Destiny 2 would get a patch that would bring some improvements to the gameplay. Later, in 2020, reportedly, Bungie would release Destiny 3 for which the company had to pay a fee to Activision to prepare for its launch. In other news, Bungie received $100 million from the Chinese company NetEase for some non-Destiny projects.

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