Digital Overload

Watch Now TV Offline With The Help Of This Guide

Easy step by step guide on how to download Now TV

Take your Android or iPhone, launch the Now TV app on it and sign in if you were not. Select Kids and then choose Let’s Go from the menu bar on the left. After that, you need to search for what you want to watch offline.

To see what episodes are available you can select the program. After you find what you want, tap the Download icon that can be found at the screen’s top right.

If available instead of the play icon the download one will appear for each episode. In case you come upon a ‘download not available’ announcement than that particular content has rights restrictions.

According to Sky, they are trying to make as many shows as possible available for download, but they do not have the rights to offer them all at the moment.

You might come across a downloading issue in case your storage is full on your device. Clear it up and then try again by tapping on any episode. After it is downloaded, the icon will become a red tick.

The downloaded programmes expire in 30 days, but there are others who are available even for less time. For example, the Peppa Pig episode you can see in the screenshot will expire in 32 hours.

You have 48 hours to watch the downloaded content after staring it. However, in that period you can watch it as many times as you want.

Do not forget this – important information!

Each episode can only be downloaded two times. Your downloads will disappear if you do not remain signed into the app and the downloads can’t be transferred to another device either.

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