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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: News About the Release Date

Fans of Final Fantasy 7 are waiting for new pieces of news to come out about the remastering of the Square Enix’s game. The remake was announced at E5 2015. Fans got very excited about the story. However, they got not-so-happy when, after the first trailer dropped, no one heard anything new about the game. Last year, the company said that we would get more details about the game after the release of Kingdom Hearts 3. We were given a few screenshots, to make sure that we know that they are still working on the game, but that’s about all. But it may all change because Square Enix has just dropped a new hint about the Final Fantasy 7 Remake game.

This week, the company has released its financial results, that showed that they might be planning a new release for 2019. The president of the company also told people to wait for E3. The company has targeted a significant increase in its revenues for the third quarter of the year. So, of course, everyone started to think about the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Is the game the reason why their big revenue is increasing?

More clues about Final Fantasy 7 Remake to come out later this year

One Reddit user said that, between October and December 2019, the company would expect 40-50 billion yen, which is about double of Q2 and Q3 from 2018 – combined. That leads us again to think about the Remake of Final Fantasy 7. But, before we get excited, we need to consider that Square Enix might expect those profits from the release of Dragon Quest 11 on Nintendo Switch.

Also, Square Enix hinted that we would get more pieces of news about the Remake of the famous game in 2019, so we might get more information soon.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake remains one of the most sought-after games in 2019. Hopefully, Square Enix will come out with more details about the game in the following weeks or months.

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