Digital Overload

Xbox Live for Any iOS or Android Game: Microsoft Has Pieces of Advice for Developers

Microsoft wants to bring its Xbox Live network of Android and iOS, too. They are going to launch a new cross-platform mobile software development kit (SDK for short). The aim is to bring the Xbox Live fun to the games that come for iOS and Android. The Xbox Live features, such as Gamescore, achievements, friend lists, clubs and even more will also be available for Android and iOS.

This entire deal is part of the biggest plan from Microsoft: the giant company wants to make its Xbox games and services available for multiple platforms. Those who develop the games will be able to choose what parts of Xbox Live to put in their games, and it will all be one sign-in away from you. Microsoft will use its identity to support login, online safety and child accounts. Also, let’s not forget about privacy.

The community is very important for Microsoft

Microsoft is one to believe in its community, and Xbox Live has been a big part of this community. If you’ve taken a closer look at their progress, you could have seen the Minecraft game, and its popularity over the past few years. They’re also tried to make Minecraft happen for as many platforms as they can. If they bring together all of those communities, it would be like one big experience for all the gamers.

Microsoft wants all the developers to work on a similar approach to that of Minecraft, and bring Xbox Live for more mobile games. It’s true, some games on iOS and Android already have Xbox Live Achievements, but that’s only because they’re only enabled in titles from Microsoft Studios right now.

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