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Fortnite 8.50 Update To Bring Significant Changes And Improvements

The recent changes implemented by Epic Games to Fortnite Battle Royale were a nightmare for players. All kind of bugs and glitches have been disrupting Fortnite, and that made the players beg for a patch since the World Cup Qualifiers is close. Fans and players of Fortnite have messaged the developer to revert the changes, like removing the siphon mechanic and the restrictive competitive players to native resolution. Now, we are happy to announce you that Fortnite 8.50 update will bring significant changes and improvements.

What to expect from Fortnite 8.50 update

Audio Bugs and Trap Glitches

According to the many posts by users, the issues with Fortnite Battle Royale were related to audio bugs and trap glitches. The most annoying glitch was the ghost audio. This problem has started since the v8.30 was released, and players have reported that they hear gun swaps even when nobody is around them. We know that Epic will patch the bug with the Fortnite 8.50 update on April 23rd or 24th.

Weapon Pickup Changes

Along with the new 8.50 version, the weapon pickup changes will come, especially for the hold to swap feature. MrPopo says that in the Fortnite 8.50 weapon pickup is on release right now with the Use button, not the initial press.

Trap Placement Glitch

This glitch has been a significant problem for players. The spike traps aren’t placing in the right way they must do. If a player wants to set a trap on the selected wall, this will put in the middle tile. Moreover, enemies can avoid the trap and walk right past it without deploying it.

Of course, this glitch will be fixed as soon as the Fortnite 8.50 update is implemented.

Finally, those are the most reported and posted bugs and glitches from the players. Epic will do the fixes necessary with the Fortnite 8.50 update because the scrutiny received lately from the fans and players aren’t good at all. Until April 23rd or 24th when the patch is dropping, those are all the information we got.

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