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Fortnite 9.01 Patch Will Come With New Weapon – Epic Games Announced Downtime For The Patch

Epic plans to release a new patch for Fortnite and downtime will be needed for implementation. Fortnite content updates don’t need downtime or downloads in most cases, but it seems that Fortnite 9.01 will be an exception. The content of the patch remains elusive, but it is known that at least one weapon will be added.

The Fortnite 9.0 update rolled out a few days ago, bringing a selection of new features which aim to keep the game fresh and exciting. Read below to learn more about Season 9 and the new content.

Fortnite 9.0 came with gameplay changes

New Slipstream mechanic

Players who love to travel across the map will be happy to learn that a new Slipstream mechanic will allow them to go for once place to another in at high speed. Massive tunnels of wind will carry the player from one area to another. Enter directional input to increase your speed and travel faster.


Fortbytes are sets of 100 computer chips which can be collected by Battle Pass owner. By collecting them, players have the chance to unlock encrypted messages and learn more about Season 9.Players will have the opportunity to collect at least one Fortbyte each day.

Weapon changes

The Combat Shotgun was added, offering a new way to tackle enemies at a close distance. In a surprise move, grenades were unvaulted. Sadly, several weapons and items were vaulted.

Vaulted weapons and items

Fortnite 9.01 patch would bring a new weapon and some fixes and improvements

Several bug fixes and improvements might be implemented by Fortnite 9.01. A large variety of audio and visual glitches has been removed in Fortnite 9.0, but more audio enhancements are planned for Fortnite 9.1.

The latest patch, Fortnite 9.01, will also available for the mobile version of the game, adding lots of new features and fixes, but Epic Games did not reveal more about them. It is likely that the downtime period for Fortnite 9.01 update will be short.

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