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Harry Potter Wizards Unite: Master Notes Cheat Sheet for Potions

One of the most important components of the Harry Potter Wizards Unite game is Potions. They’re used to increase your XP, to cooldown your spells, make them more effective, heal you while in combat and so on. This guide should help you create your potions faster.

If you are looking for the HPWU Master Notes Cheat Sheet, you came to the right spot. However, if you would rather find them out on your own, do not scroll further down – Spoiler Alert!

Everything You Need to Know About Potions in HPWU

We’ll keep it short: you will find ingredients on the map that you will use to create potions. If you tap on the suitcase, you will see the cauldron image with ‘potions’ written underneath. As you gain more levels, you learn more potion recipes.

After you gather ingredients, you will see you can create several potions after you press on the + sign. So far, these are the potions available in the game:

There are a few more potions, but haven’t yet been added to the game (Felix Felicis, Scintillation Potion, Draught of Perception, Bountiful Brew).

Harry Potter Wizards Unite: Potions Tips and Tricks

Always leave some spare room in your inventory to make sure you collect other ingredients you don’t have – for instance, you will lose the rare ones you get from Portkeys if you have too many low level ingredients. Use Potions often, especially the ones that you can easily create because you will realize the vault gets full very fast.

Before opening portals, use Baruffio’s Brain Elixir to get more XP and make sure you always use them in rare encounters. Health Potions and Potions like Exstimulo (which comes in three versions) are also vital in winning some encounters and challenges at Fortresses.

Now let’s go to the master notes. After you queue the potions, you can tap on the spoon and you will see it from above. There you must introduce the master notes for the potions to lower the brewing time by 15%.

If you tap on the ‘!’ icon on the word ‘Potions’ above the two cauldron icons, you will see some movements explained. Basically, you must find the right combination, which we have provided below.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite: Master Notes Cheat Sheet for Potions

We’ve already discovered them all because we had too much spare time on our hands, so here they are:

Check back here for more Harry Potter: Wizards Unite news, HPWU guides, tips, and tricks!

Let us know in the comments below if there’s something you want us to write about, such as how to master spells, how to level up, how to get rid of that annoying red dot and so on. We’re only getting started in HPWU and together we will save the world!

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