Even though WhatsApp and other similar chatting apps might offer lots of cool features that make it easier for users to get in touch with their friends and family members, no one can deny the fact that these chatting apps take up lots of processing resources and people who use older smartphones will have a difficult time. This is where Facebook Messenger Lite comes in and offers the perfect alternative.
Just like the app’s name implies, Facebook Messenger Lite is a lightweight app which weighs in at less than 10MB. Despite being a lightweight app, Facebook Messenger Lite is still equipped with a plethora of cool features that have been specially designed for communication purposes. To make things even better, the lightweight chatting app is updated on a regular basis with new features, software tweaks and bug fixes.
Facebook Messenger Lite Update
We have some great news to share with Facebook Messenger Lite fans today! The lightweight chatting app has recently received a new update which changes its build number to and it comes with a bunch of high priority bug fixes. Even though Facebook Messenger Lite offers a premium user experience, some bugs and other types of issues can still appear from time to time. Luckily, they get fixed quickly because the developers of Facebook Messenger Lite are constantly pushing out new software releases.
Faster Performances
Facebook Messenger Lite is not only going to offer better software stability (reduced chance of random crashes), the lightweight chatting app is also going to provide users with faster performances. The new update introduces a handful of “under the hood” tweaks that optimize the software performances of Facebook Messenger Lite and thus, increase the overall speed of loading conversations and other types of features.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.