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What is a Cloud Computing Stack?

Source: Pixabay

The world of cloud computing is expanding, and it has become a very popular method of storage as compared to going for local servers and personal devices. According to a cloud computing market report from Fortune Business Insights, its worth is expected to surge from $406.65 billion in 2022 to over $1,712 billion by 2029. Despite its popularity, not many people understand the technology that is involved in cloud computing infrastructure, including how it works. In this article, we’re delving into the basics of a “stack”, which essentially refers to the three types of cloud computing services.

Basics of Cloud Computing

The term “cloud computing” is used to describe a collection of shared information, resources, and services delivered over the internet. This can be anything from storage to networking to software to analytics and is the reason why much of today’s enterprises have chosen moving to the cloud. In fact, 79% are now using multiple cloud providers to host workloads. This may also be due to how traditional on-premise data centers and physical hardware are now deemed more likely to fail due to security and risk challenges. Modern cloud computing providers maintain networks of both physical and virtual servers that hold the software and services to be provided. This is also often called the “back end” of the cloud infrastructure and can fall under the categories of public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. The end user can be any individual, business, or organization that can access the information stored through an internet connection. Any desktop, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet used works as the “front end” of the cloud infrastructure. As noted by Troy Drever with Pure IT, there’s a significant increase in demand for cloud computing services as businesses look to become more efficient and agile while saving costs on infrastructure maintenance. Not to mention, the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility that cloud computing offers.

Defining The Cloud Computing Stack

We now move on to the three main categories for cloud computing services, which make up what we call the cloud computing stack: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) The baseline level of cloud computing provides a virtual space handled by the cloud computing provider in terms of physical maintenance and security. This can be rented on-demand, on a pay-as-you-go basis. Platform as a Service (PaaS) A cloud-based platform that lets its users develop, run, and manage applications on their own without worrying about the infrastructure itself. This typically contains a complete development and deployment resource with database management tools. Software as a Service (SaaS) The last refers to cloud-based software programs like office software, messaging, CRM, and the like. In this case, end users pay for a license to utilize this software, but it is fully hosted on the provider’s end. These three categories comprise the cloud computing stack because they are necessary parts of cloud computing, similar to layers of a cake. The idea is that they all work in conjunction with each other to allow users to have access to the specific services that they need. That said, users make sure to look for trusted cloud providers with a proven track record of security and certifications to make sure that their choice of service is provided without a hitch.

The Future of Cloud Computing Stacks

As all types of cloud computing services are known to have their unique usefulness, and developments in the industry are well-anticipated. For instance, full-stack developers, or engineers who are able to handle both the front-end and the back-end, are very in-demand in the workplace. There have also been efforts in having AI-driven intelligence built into every part of the technology stack, and consistent improvements in server security across many providers. Overall, the cloud computing industry has an exciting future ahead of it.

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