Digital Overload

Fix: Server Unreachable While Calling Someone

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash Phone Call

If you’ve ever been talking to someone on the phone, then suddenly, you get a warning that reads “Server Unreachable,” then you know how annoying it can be. However, you shouldn’t be concerned because there are solutions to this problem. The error message “Server Unreachable” might appear for a number of different reasons. Because of this particular issue with Google Voice, users are unable to access either their own Google Voice account or any phone numbers that have been forwarded via their Google Voice account.

The main and most typical cause is that the Google Voice forwarding phone number has been rendered inaccessible by your carrier, meaning that it has been deactivated, disconnected, or otherwise marked as inactive in some other way. Let’s figure out a way to fix that!

How Can You Fix the Problem With the “Server Unreachable” Message?

In case you didn’t know, here’s how things work. When you call someone, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) service will link your device to the other person’s phone so that you may speak with them. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps like WhatsApp, Skype, and Google Voice owe their initial configuration and connectivity to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

So, what should you do if you get an error that says “server unreachable” when you try to make a phone call?

First things first, try to keep a level head and ask yourself some questions. Are you certain that you have the correct number dialed in? Have you tried making the call from a different place or with a different device? If you checked all of that, then see if you have a data connection that is operational, whether it be 3G/4G or Wi-Fi. You might also try resetting the network settings on your smartphone and seeing if it helps resolve the issue.

In the event that this does not solve the problem, uninstall the Google Voice app and then reinstall it. And last, if none of those things work, you should get in touch with your service provider to ask for assistance.

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