Digital Overload

Learn How to Configure Your Browser With Proxy Info

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

A lot of netizens out there struggle to figure out how to configure their web browser with proxy information, whether they’re using Google Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, and so on. The truth is that it can be a lot easier than expected to make such a task, thanks to the overwhelming powers of the internet.

However, you need to keep in mind that the method you should be using depends on what favorite browser you have. You can’t configure your Google Chrome browser with proxy information in the same way you can do it in the case of the Mozilla Firefox browser, for instance. That’s why we’re here to shed some light on the mystery!

What are the benefits of configuring your browser with proxy information?

First of all, before we dive into the actual process itself, we need to make sure that we are well aware of why a person would configure their browser with proxy information. What are the benefits, and if there are any potential downsides?

Here are a few of the benefits of such an operation:

What are the downsides?

As usual, you can’t have them all in life, as there are as well a few possible downsides to configuring your browser with proxy information. Let’s see some of the most important ones:

How to configure Safari with proxy information

Safari remains one of the most popular and powerful web browsers out there, so let’s see what the needed steps to configure it with proxy information regardless of what platform you use (PC, smartphone, etc):

  1. Launch Safari
  2. Head over to the menu bar and then to the Safari option
  3. Select the ‘Preferences’ area
  4. Head over to the ‘Advanced settings’ menu
  5. Select the proxy settings that appear at the bottom of the screen
  6. Add your proxy address and server details
  7. Save your changes and start using the new proxy info!

How to configure Google Chrome with proxy information

Everybody knows about Chrome and its undeniable popularity when it comes to web browsers. Since pretty much everybody is using it, let’s find out the necessary steps to learn how to configure it with proxy information:

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Head over to the settings menu by clicking the three vertical dots (aka the hamburger menu), which is placed in the top-right corner of the Chrome window.
  3. Choose advanced settings: Head over to the Settings page and select ‘Advanced’
  4. Configure the proxy settings: Select ‘Open your computer’s proxy settings,’ which is placed under the ‘System’ section, to open the proxy settings of the operating system.
  5. Windows proxy settings: The ‘Internet Properties’ area should emerge if you’re using Windows. From that point, select the ‘Connections’ tab.
  6. Configure the proxy server: Select the ‘LAN settings’ button, which is positioned beneath the ‘Local Area Network (LAN)’ settings.
  7. Enable the proxy server: Select the box that appears next to ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’ from the ‘Local Area Network (LAN) Settings’

As an optional measure, you can also bypass proxy for local addresses. If your wish is to access local websites without having to go through the proxy, you have to check the box that is labeled as ‘Bypass proxy server for local addresses.’

The next and final step is obviously to save and apply the settings and see if the outcome satisfies you as you restart the Chrome browser.

How to configure Mozilla Firefox with proxy information

Configuring Mozilla Firefox with proxy information is also not difficult as long as you carefully follow the necessary steps:

  1. Start the Firefox browser and hit the three horizontal lines that appear in the upper-right corner so that the menu pops out
  2. Select ‘Options’ and scroll down until you find ‘Network Settings,’ which is placed under ‘General.’
  3. Select ‘Settings’ so that the Connection Settings window will open
  4. Hit the ‘Manual proxy information’ option.
  5. Add the port number and the address of the proxy server in the respective fields
  6. As an optional measure. You can configure other settings, such as proxy authentication or bypassing specific addresses.
  7. The final step is to hit the ‘OK’ button to save the settings. Congrats!

Let’s face it: configuring your browser with proxy information isn’t hard, and the benefits of such an operation are very tempting. However, you must also be well aware of the potential downsides that come along!

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