Digital Overload

25 Secret Codes For Samsung and Android to Try Right Now

Photo by Silivan Munguarakarama on Unsplash(1)

Did you know that there are specific hidden codes that you may utilize on your Samsung and Android devices? USSD/MMI codes or covert commands are cool things to try at least once. But here’s the thing: It is up to you to decide whether or not to make use of these hidden codes; they have been hidden for a specific purpose. If you choose to make use of these secret codes or USSD codes, they can assist you in troubleshooting your phone if it is experiencing any issues or provide you access to additional capabilities that are not generally available. Your device might have to suffer after performing such a thing.

We’ve compiled a mini-guide on what are some of the most popular secret codes for Android and Samsung. Check them all out below!

The Best 25 Hidden Codes for Samsung and Android Devices

It is important to bear in mind that utilizing these codes might cause your phone to reveal private information or for it to make modifications without your authorization if it is prompted to do so. Use any secret code carefully, and only when it’s absolutely essential.

The following is a list of some of the most often-used hidden codes for Samsung and Android devices:

USSD Codes for the Samsung Restart Function

Android and Samsung Factory Reset Codes

USSD Codes for Samsung Devices and Android for Debugging

Have you ever used such secret codes? If so, how was your experience?

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