Digital Overload

How to Become a Better CS: GO Player

Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

Even though Steam now offers Counter-Strike 2 for free as an update for those who have Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) installed, we all have to be realistic and say that a lot of gamers will cling to the older title. CS: GO has been around for over a decade, inspiring the first-person shooter (FPS) genre.

You may be willing to participate in the CS: GO world championship, as there are some strong financial incentives to take into account. Players from all over the world try to win the title, which means that they also give you the opportunity to become a better CS: GO player. Or, on the other hand, perhaps you’re just looking for a strong challenge, as the in-game bots are too easy for you. Regardless of the case, there is a lot to learn about how to become a better player in CS: GO, and we’re very glad to offer you a few tips:

Have a good knowledge and understanding of the map

You need to know maps by heart if you want to be a highly-skilled CS: GO player. Knowing immediately the path to the bombing site can make you win precious seconds or maybe even minutes compared to your opponents, whether they’re real players or just bots. Also, you will have a strong strategic advantage if you will keep in mind common locations, angles, and callouts.

To know CS: GO maps by heart, you obviously need to play the game regularly, with or without bots. The more you play it, the better you will become.

Manage your in-game finances well

You need to permanently understand the in-game economy and make wise decisions when it comes to buying anything. In other words, it’s a mistake to buy weapons and armor if your team can’t afford them. You should save money to coordinate purchases with your team.

Communicate efficiently

When you play CS: GO with your buddies, it’s crucial to practice effective communication rather than just cursing them for getting killed in the game. You need a good microphone to share relevant information with your team, such as the locations of the enemies, plans, and even updates for your own status.

Learning common callouts for each map is also a good strategy while playing CS: GO.

Watch the gameplay of professional players

Platforms such as Twitch and YouTube are teeming with gameplay videos of the best players for each game out there, including the famous CS: GO. If you’ve never seen the importance of watching gameplay videos, well, you need to reconsider that idea if you wish to become a better CS: GO player. While learning from our own mistakes is generally a good strategy to prevail in life, learning from the successes of others is also a great idea.

Review your own gameplay

Here’s a motivational idea to consider, and also one of the greatest sayings ever: the master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried. Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid of failure but rather learn from it after it happens. This means that recording your own gameplay in CS: GO and reviewing it afterward is a great idea, as that can surely make you better. Be as objective as you can and identify your flaws; don’t just make excuses for why you lost a round. Look for solutions, not excuses.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was launched more than a decade ago, in 2012, and it still gathers millions of players on its servers. The game has a very large and dedicated fanbase.



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