Digital Overload

Apex Legends Update 1.000.054 Brings Fixes for the Game

Image by HANSUAN FABREGAS from Pixabay

Apex Legends received a new update about two weeks ago for all of the platforms that the battle royale game can run on. Known as Update 1.000.054, it brings some fixes for errors that the players clearly need to know about.

If the idea of playing a battle royale game excites you, it means you should definitely give Apex Legends a try. The whole idea behind battle royale is that everybody fights against everybody else, and the last man standing wins the round.

Thanks to MP1ST, we can learn more about what the new 1.000.054 update means for Apex Legends.


Legends could rotate when exiting a Trident
Playing at 165+ FPS might trigger stuttering during gameplay scenarios
[Ballistic] Crash occurring after swapping primary weapon into the sling and rapidly equipping after entering TDM/Control


Button prompts may not display on summary/death screen, such as the report button – but buttons still work!
[DX11] Nvidia Reflex appears greyed out
[Ranked] Button mashing during rank-up animation sometimes causes crash
S18 Masters badge doesn’t have the white diamond details
Crashes regarding FS_CheckAsyncRequest when loading into a map
Some players finding the Detected Data Mismatch error
Players can spectate others during respawn
Bullet tracer VFX displays offset when strafing
[Conduit] “Matulog ka na lang” quip incorrect

If you’re among those who want to play Apex Legends on the PC, you must keep in mind that it’s recommended to have a processor such as Ryzen 5 CPU or a similar variant, 8 gigs of RAM memory, as well as a graphics card such as AMD Radeon R9 290 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970.

You also need to keep in mind that Apex Legends demands 56GB of free storage space in order to run as a PC version.

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