Digital Overload

Why the Classic Snake Game Was a True Legend: Top Reasons

Photo by Rayson Tan on Unsplash

Regardless of how important smartphones are for each one of us these days, we all have to admit that many of us still have a nostalgic feeling for Nokia mobile phones. That’s because Nokia is a very important brand and will remain likewise in the hearts of many of us regardless of what happens in the future.

 We also need to admit that when we think about Nokia, the first thing or one of the first things that pops into mind is the Iconic snake game. Maneuvering a snake around in a very small display as you try to capture fruits in order to enlarge that snake can be a very demanding task as the levels progress. The longer the snake, the harder it is to fit it on the screen. Once the snake hits the wall it’s game over. Gamers nowadays might find it ridiculous, but for us, the ones who were born back in the 90s, that game was a true legend. In fact, we could say that the classical snake game for Nokia phones has some things that make it stand out compared to many of the modern games today. Let’s get into detail, shall we?

Snake puts your mind to work a lot

The classical snake game might seem simple and easily detectable at first, but we can safely say that it puts your mind to work a lot more than many of those RPGs, online games, and shooters out there. When it comes to Counter-Strike 2, for instance, pretty much all you have to do is shoot. That’s all. You just have to pay a bit of attention to get rid of those enemies from the other team, except for planting the bomb or diffusing the bomb. But when it comes to the snake game you have to pay a lot more attention to find ways of not hitting those walls as you enlarge that snake.

Snake can be very hard

All those modern games out there, such as PUBG, Fortnite, FIFA 23 GTA 5, Apex Legends, and many others, are indeed fun to play, but we all have to admit that such games are becoming easier and easier for the public. They just don’t make games these days as they used to. That’s because publishers and developers constantly want to give gamers what they want, meaning to allow them to pass those levels more easily. That’s why the story modes are so easy to pass; that’s why games get a lot of tutorials that you cannot even skip in some situations, and so on.

Well, guess what? When we’re talking about the ancient snake game for Nokia mobile phones, those things don’t apply at all that’s because that’s a decades game that is very hard to play at the higher levels. The level gets, the harder the game gets. Guess what? We cannot complain about that; that’s the whole charm of the game that’s why we love it and the first place!

You can’t win forever

You can be the best gamer in town, but in the end, you still cannot win forever in the classical snake game for Nokia mobile phones. It may sound depressing for a lot of you folks but that’s just how this game works. Nobody can win forever, but guess what? That’s part of his charm! Ultimately, everyone loses because it’s impossible to keep maneuvering destiny around before ever without hitting the wall. It’s the higher score that matters. It’s important just to get a higher score as possible and it’s important to prove to your friends or relatives that you can get higher scores than them.

Of course, in the end, each and every one of us has the right to play any kind of game we want. You could be into Modern games such as Counter-Strike 2 GT5 or FIFA, but you could also like the more retro titles such as the classical Snake game for Nokia phones. Regardless of your choice, in the end, probably the only thing that matters is just to have fun.

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