Digital Overload

VidMate APK Version 3.6203 Released Today

A couple of days before Christmas, VidMate was updated, coming with a few bug fixes and stability improvements. Today, the developers have released an update, reaching the version number 3.6203.

This time around, according to the patch notes from the app’s page, the latest version comes with the following improvements and fixes:

Fixed the JavaScript issue

Share videos to WhatsApp more easily

Improved the experience of WhatsApp Status Saver

If you have the previous version, get the latest one on the official VidMate website. Look for version 3.6203, which is 11.59 MB and was released on 28 December 2018.

Downloading and Installing VidMate

Download the update from the official website.

  1. Press the download button and ignore the warning from the browser
  2. Tap on the notification once the download is finished.
  3. Enable unknown sources (for old versions of Android) or go to settings (for new versions of Android) and allow the installation from the browser/source you just used to download the APK file.
  4. Go to the installation screen, and an install window will appear.
  5. Tap on install and then start exploring the app.

If you haven’t installed VidMate until now but want to know more about the app before installing? Check out this article about all the features VidMate has to offer and how you can also get the app for PC.

VidMate – A Top Free App

In short, this app is one of the top apps that allows you to download videos or songs from different online sources like Vimeo, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Metacafe or other multimedia portals.

This is a highly recommended app which lets you download media in whatever quality you wish – from HD to very low quality. It has a virtual library, a search bar to look for the media you want to download and many other features.

Whenever you want to prepare yourself for a long commute or a trip somewhere where the data connection is weak, or there’s no Wi-Fi, VidMate is the app to save you from boredom!

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