The Sims 4 got a holiday update, and the game included a smart speaker that your Sim can talk to any time. Soon enough, there will be a Sims app for the real Amazon Alexa devices. In the game, your Sim is able to talk to their smart speaker, which is called Lin-Z, it can listen to music, order a pizza and play trivia.
What can you do with the Alexa app?
The next Alexa app has other things in mind. You can play song from the last games, such as The Sims 2, 3 and 4, and even play a trivia game with Sims. You can also share history about The Sims. The app was showed a few days ago, when a live stream happened, with the community manager, who’s named Kate Olmstead, and some other members of the team, Emory Irpan and Manu Sharma.
This feature shows that the team behind the game is continuously working on making the game perfect and interesting, by including software into their games – like Alexa.
You’ll start hearing Simlish phrases
For the Alexa app, there’s only one feature added. If you get to max out your relationship with Lin-Z, then it will start telling you Simlish phrases that you can say to the Alexa app. You might know some of them, like Hello, which is Sul Sul. One of the producers said that there’s a whole new vocabulary for your Sim to learn.
When’s the release date?
Sharma said that they started to work on their passion project some time ago, after his family got a smart speaker. This app has a release date, and it happens next week. It’s entirely free and it will also be released internationally.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.