Pokémon eggs have been an integral part of the franchise since the second generation of games was released. They are also very important for Pokémon Go players.
The main games of the franchise employ advanced breeding features that allow players to genetically engineer the perfect Pokémon. Niantic decided to simplify the process for Pokémon Go. Up to nine eggs can be collected from PokéStops, where they can be randomly found and 7km eggs can be found in Gifts.
There is no way to tell which Pokémon is in the egg at a glance. We decided to compile four categories, one for each type of egg according to the distance required in order to hatch it. Read below to find out which Pokémon drop from each type of egg.
2km eggs
- Machop (Gen 1)
- Shellder (Gen 1)
- Zubat (Gen 1)
- Midsreveaus (Gen 2)
- Aron (Gen 3)
- Barboach (Gen 3)
- Luvdisc (Gen 3)
- Swablu (Gen 3)
- Swinub (Gen 2)
- Wailmer (Gen 3)
- Kricketot (Gen 4)
- Starly (Gen 4)
5km eggs:
- Bulbasaur (Gen 1 starter)
- Charmander (Gen 1 starter)
- Squirtle (Gen 1 starter)
- Eevee (Gen 1)
- Lickitung (Gen 1)
- Poliwag (Gen 1)
- Magnemite (Gen 1)
- Onix (Gen 1)
- Pinsir (Gen 1)
- Sandshrew (Gen 1)
- Scyther (Gen 1)
- Tangela (Gen 1)
- Chikorita (Gen 2 starter)
- Cyndaquil (Gen 2 starter)
- Totodile (Gen 2 starter)
- Anorith (Gen3)
- Cacnea (Gen 3)
- Chinchou (Gen 2)
- Gligar (Gen 2)
- Lileep (Gen 3)
- Lotad (Gen 3)
- Meditite (Gen 3)
- Nosepass (Gen3)
- Pineco (Gen2)
- Seedot (Gen 3)
- Snorunt (Gen3)
- Shuckle (Gen2)
- Wingull (Gen 3)
- Yanma (Gen 2)
- Turtwig (Gen 4 starter)
- Chimchar (Gen 4 starter)
- Piplup (Gen 4 starter)
- Buneary (Gen 4)
- Croagunk (Gen 4)
- Snover (Gen 4)
- Stunky (Gen 4)
Baby Pokémon can hatch from 7km eggs.
The following baby Pokémon can hatch:
- Pichu (Gen 2)
- Cleffa (Gen 2)
- Igglybuff (Gen 2)
- Togepi (Gen 2)
- Smoochum (Gen 2)
- Tyrogue (Gen 2)
- Elekid (Gen 2)
- Magby (Gen 2)
- Azurill (Gen 3)
- Wynaut (Gen 3)
- Budew (Gen 4)
- Chingling (Gen 4)
- Munchlax (Gen 4)
- Mantyke (Gen 4)
- Riolu (Gen 4)
Players also have the chance to hatch an Alolan Pokemon from 7km eggs. Try to catch two of them if you want to have access to both forms.
- Alolan Diglett
- Alolan Geodude
- Alolan Grimer
- Alolan Meowth
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Vulpix
It seems that the chance to get a Vulpix is a bit higher these days so try to hatch as many eggs as you can in order to get one.
10km eggs:
- Aerodactyl (Gen 1)
- Dratini (Gen 1)
- Porygon (Gen 1)
- Larvitar (Gen2)
- Mareep (Gen2)
- Bagon (Gen 3)
- Beldum (Gen 3)
- Feebas (Gen 3)
- Slakoth (Gen 3)
- Ralts (Gen 3)
- Trapinch (Gen 3)
- Shinx (Gen 4)
- Drifloon (Gen 4)
- Skorupi (Gen 4)
- Riolu (Gen 4)
Essential information:
Only the first form of a Pokemon will hatch from an egg. This means that you will be able to get a Bulbasaur from an egg but you will have to raise its level in order to evolve it to an Ivysaur or Venusaur. This is also available for baby Pokémon.
The chances to hatch a specific Pokémon are quite low. While rarity tiers do exist it is hard to predict the exact chances. Theoretically if you walk more the chance to hatch a rare Pokémon will increase accordingly but the topic is still debated.
In order to get the most out of the incubators fill the free ones with 3km, 5km, or 7km eggs. If you spend your coins on limited-use incubators it is advised to put 10km eggs in them since they only have 3 uses.
Go out in the world and catch them all!

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.