2019 is here and we’re looking forward to seeing what games get to see the light of the day this year. January and February are usually the months in which we get to see some major video launches.
Onimusha Warlords
This one is set to be launched on the 15th of January. It was originally released for PlayStation 2, Warlords was a Resident Evil-like adventure game, that took place in Japan. This one was the first PS2 title that ever reached one million units in sales all around the globe – it eventually came up to 2 million in time.
Onimusha Warlords will keep the original gameplay, but it will have better visuals and the controls will be improved. Users will be able to make Samanosuke move and attack with no problems. Players will also be able to have the visuals in a 16:9 widescreen mode, besides the standard definition 4:3 resolution.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
This one is set to be launched on the 18th of January. This one reminds us of how iconic it was on the Nintendo Wii, and how unusual it was, if we are to take a look at the mechanics of the gameplay. The original game was designed by Suda 51 – Goichi Suda, and we’re expecting the sequel for Nintendo to have the same fate.
The game finds Travis Touchdown in a possessed video game console together with his father, who’s called Badman. Every level of the game is a parody of a different video game and it uses the JoyCon controllers to motion some controls from the Wii titles.
Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.