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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Is Coming Soon on Nintendo Switch, The Japanese Company Announced

Square Enix is already working on a Final Fantasy 7 Remake title, but when it would come out on Nintendo Switch, we don’t know. However, according to the Japanese entertainment company, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is coming soon on Nintendo Switch.

“Final Fantasy developer and publisher Square Enix originally revealed its intention to bring the game to the Switch in September 2018, when it was announced for the platform alongside Final Fantasy IX, the X and X-2 remaster, and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. However, they only gave a vague ‘2019’ release window. While “coming soon” doesn’t exactly give us a specific release date, at least we know we won’t be waiting until the end of the year for it,” reported GameSpot.

Final Fantasy franchise remains the most successful series of games developed by Square Enix. Now, in 2019, while the world expects the Final Fantasy 16 release date, the Nintendo Switch players might enjoy Final Fantasy 7 Remake soon.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Is Coming Soon on Nintendo Switch, The Japanese Company Announced

“Square Enix previously confirmed that these versions of the Final Fantasy games would be based on recent ports either to other consoles or PC–obviously, this is not the in-development Final Fantasy VII remake. Final Fantasy VII was released for PC in 2013, with the game also available on the PlayStation Store digitally. Along with the Switch release, these games will also be making the jump to Xbox One, which is a first for a number of them,” GameSpot continued.

As we reported earlier here, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is the second-most sought-after Nintendo Switch release for 2019, so we should expect the remastered game to come out this year.

Nonetheless, Final Fantasy 7 Remake on Nintendo Switch would only prepare the ground for the release fo the upcoming Final Fantasy 16 which would come out later this year or in 2020.

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