Mafia is a series that had its ups and downs. The games managed to gain a fanbase, despite the fact that not all of them were successful. Most fans agree that Mafia 2 was great, and everyone loved the story. The original Mafia game is also considered a masterpiece. While the third game in the series is not as good, it is hard to forget what the first ones had to offer.
This is the reasons why some fans are still hoping to get Mafia 4. There have been plenty of rumours about it, and today we are going to investigate whether they are true and we can expect a Mafia 4 release.
Mafia 3 affected the series
Mafia 3 is definitely considered the worst game of the franchise. While the game wasn’t that bad, it is mediocre considered to its predecessors. The game got a 68 score on Metacritic and it came with several bugs. This appeared enough to overshadow the previous achievements.
It is unlikely to get Mafia 4 anytime soon
After the Mafia 3 release, things certainly became interesting in the Hanger 13 studio. According to the information we have, the team of developers was separated in two after Mafia 3 was launched. One of them worked to fix the bugs of the game, as well as create DLCs for it. The other team was allowed to work on their own IP.
At one point there were rumours about a Mafia 4 game that was supposed to be set in Las Vegas during the 70s. Players would have been able to control one of the families in the city and handle their own casino. At the moment, development has stopped, so we shouldn’t get Mafia 4 anytime in the near future.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.