If you haven’t yet battled in the legendary Dialga raids, you should do so because the Steel-Dragon type Pokemon will soon be replaced by Giratina, the Ghost/Dragon Pokemon.
But Giradina will come in two forms: the Altered and Origin forms! Pokemon go players will first have to fight the Altered form and then the Origin form. Here’s the complete schedule.
Giratina – Altered and Origin Forms Coming Next Week
You can fight Giratina (Altered) starting with 27 March and ending on 2 April (1 PM PDT).
Fight Giratina (Origin) starting with 2 April and ending on 29 April (1 PM PDT).
We know the two forms are confusing, so here are some of the differences between the two forms. Both forms have nearly the same stats in Pokemon Go – almost the same stamina and the same move set. The only things different are the attack and defense stats that are swapped. The Origin form has a stronger attack, while the Altered form has a stronger defense. This is why Origin form Giratina comes with better CP.
Altered Giratina Is Actually the Original Form
The Altered form of Giratina is, in fact, the original one from the main series games. Giratina could activate the Origin form when it was in the Distortion World or when it held a Griseous Orb.
In Pokemon Go, this raid will let players who didn’t add Altered Giratina to their collection get a chance of adding it next week. Meanwhile, this is the first time players can get the Origin form Giratina. This Pokemon is the most popular legendary Pokemon in the game.
Pokemon Go will also feature Defense Form Deoxys in EX Pokemon GO Raids next week, starting on 25 March, so the next few weeks will surely be pretty busy for those that want to get the legendary monsters.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.