Digital Overload

Clash Royale is Getting New Buffed, Goblin and Nerfed Cards in 2019

Clash Royale is a fun game but what really makes it “addictive” is the fact that players who spend lots of time creating powerful decks and clever strategies will always have an edge over regular players who simply jump into battle without giving it too much thought to what cards they are bringing with them. Every small card in Clash Royale can have a big impact in the game if used right and this why we are going to check out the latest cards that have been introduced in Clash Royale.

January Update

The biggest update that Clash Royale received in 2019 arrived in January. This update introduced lots of important game-balance changes such as reducing the Heal cost to only one Elixir which made the Heal a “must-have” in all decks.

New Goblin Cards

The update also introduced a new card called the Goblin Bruiser. The interesting thing about this is that the Goblin Bruiser was actually leaked back in December 2018 and fans started believing that 2019’s Clash Royale new cards will be Goblin themed. Therefore, we believe that Supercell is working on new cards that will feature Goblins.

Since we are talking about the January update for Clash Royale, let’s check out all the major changes that this update brought so that returning Clash Royale players know what cards are powerful right now. With that said, let’s check out the patch buffs and nerfs.

Nerfed Cards:

Buffed Cards:

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