Fortnite to Add Reboot Vans to Bring Back Your Dead Teammates

PlayStation has finally released a feature that allows its players to change their online ID when it comes to the PlayStation Network service. However, if we are to take a look at Sony’s opinion about this entire deal, you might want to hold on for a second.

According to the company, this change will apply to most of the games that were developed in 2018 and 2019, and for some games that were published before. But when it comes to some of the other games, there will be an error – you will lose the saved data and the content purchased, like DLC or any other types of add-ons.

Basically, you can change your name, but you might have problems with the games. Let’s think about it for a second: is it really worth it?

One of the greatest fighting game of all time

We see one of the best moments in the fighting game history – Evo Moment 37, which is also known as “Daigo Parry”. Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong came up with an amazing matchup for Street Fighter III, that ended with an amazing reversal that’s complex and really fun to watch. The internet is full of this moment, but there’s a new video now that shows the entire thing from a new angle, and it also comes with new commentary. It’s right now on YouTube.

Don’t forget to check it out in case you haven’t watched it before.

Fortnite: reboot vans from Apex Legends?

Fortnite comes with a new thing, called Reboot Vans. However, they’re similar to those of Apex Legends’ respawn feature. This feature allows its players to bring back dead teammates on certain locations on the map – but only if they get the Reboot Card from their corpse. This Reboot Card will be dropped from all the fallen teammates and will be on the map for exactly 90 seconds.


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