Mario Kart is one of Nintendo’s first franchises, in some ways even more important than the original Mario. The company’s most recent financial report regarding their sales of the series has disclosed that Mario Kart 8 has been a constant and incredible success. Now, the mobile players who enrolled on May the 7th will have the opportunity to experience the Mario Kart Tour beta version.
Just last month, Nintendo revealed launch dates for the beta version for Android: it rolls out on May the 21st and comes to an end in June the 4th. The beta version is released for only Android devices, and it is restricted to nationals in Japan and the United States.
Players that pre-registered and have been picked for beta version will receive emails from the company regarding the issue. They will ultimately be able to download and install the beta version from the Google Play Store. Even if you didn’t get a mail from the company, there is no reason to lose it because the signing up for the beta doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get access to it.
Mario Kart Tour Beta Version Finally Rolled Out For Android
To run Mario Kart Tour beta version, Android owners will need to have an Android 4.4 or more recent than that, a smartphone, and about 1.5 GB of RAM. Beta players are not allowed to share any of the gameplay details through videos or pictures.
To those who play the beta version, the progress made into the beta will not be transferred into the official game which will come later, and diverse abilities, gameplay features and so on are likely to change in the full game.
There is no announcement as to when iOS owners will be able to access the Mario Kart beta version. Talking about a release date, Mario Kart Tour is scheduled to launch in the summer of 2019.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.