Digital Overload

Death Stranding Gameplay Teased in Enigmatic Livestream

Updated – PlayStation has just revealed that Death Stranding is now available for pre-order in the PlayStation store, and will be released for PS4 players on November 8, 2019. Now that’s some great news! Check out Death Stranding’s full release date reveal trailer on YouTube.


What should you expect from the highly anticipated PlayStation exclusive that is currently being teased in a live stream on Twitch? Here’s what we spotted in the video so far.

New Gameplay and Cinematics from Death Stranding

Behind the handprints that have been teased from the reveal of Kojima’s new horror game, we spotted the following things.

We’ve seen Sam riding a cool bike, and enemies show up in a big vehicle, ready to assault him.

There’s melee combat, and if you’ve seen the part where he is using a briefcase to hit enemies, we bet you had a good laugh as well.

The environment is pretty different, showing locations covered in snow, the countryside, mountains and even some kind of desert.

There’s a radial menu which you use to take out the ladder or a rope to help you go up and down some cliffs. Of course, it has a lot more uses, but we’ll see them in the game when it’s released.

You’ll be able to use a sensor to scan the pulse around you, and the surroundings turn blue, revealing nearby invisible enemies. I suppose I’ll use it whenever paranoia hits (which is most of the times).

Here are some more screenshots of the livestream, which is still ongoing on Twitch.

We hope you’re as excited as we are and cannot wait for November to come!

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