Digital Overload

How to Use PlayStation Party Chat on a PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

It is possible to use the PlayStation Party Chat feature on a PC, through the use of the PlayStation Remote Play app. This app allows you to access your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 console remotely, and engage in voice chat with your friends.

To set up the PlayStation Remote Play app on your PC, you will need:

To set up the PlayStation Remote Play app:

  1. Visit the PlayStation Remote Play page on and download the Remote Play installer for Windows.
  2. Install the app by double-clicking the installation file and following the prompts.
  3. Activate Remote Play on your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 console (instructions for both consoles provided in the original text).
  4. Open the PlayStation Remote Play app on your PC, sign in to your PSN account, and configure the video resolution and frame rate (if desired).
  5. Select the type of console you wish to connect to (PS5 or PS4).
  6. Connect your PlayStation controller to your PC via USB.

To join a PlayStation Party Chat on your PC:

  1. Within the PlayStation Remote Play app, navigate to the Party app on your PS5 or PS4 console.
  2. Create or join a party.
  3. Use your PlayStation controller or keyboard to communicate with your friends in the party chat.

Note that the PlayStation Remote Play app is only available on Windows, and it is not possible to use the PlayStation Party Chat feature on an Android device. If you want to use voice chat with your friends while playing on an Android device or a different platform, you can use a third-party application such as Discord or Skype.

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