WEBZEN’s QubeTown Now on iOS and Android

If you want to try a new game, why not check out QubeTown which is now globally released on Android and iOS. I just installed it to see what’s about…

Google Denies The Claims That It Modified The YouTube Code To Sabotage Microsoft Edge

Google denies that it modified the YouTube code to sabotage Microsoft Edge, which slowed its performance when users watched YouTube videos, as claimed by a former Microsoft intern. A former…

Nintendo Creators Program Shuts Down Next Year

Nintendo Creators Program, which rolled out in an attempt to moderate what Nintendo content people are showing on YouTube, will shut down on March 20th, 2019. The Japanese entertainment company…

YouTube 13.47.50 Beta Comes With A New Activity Tab Meant For Finding And Controlling Your Notifications Easier

Download the official YouTube app designed especially for Android phones and tablets. Through it you can see what the world is watching, starting from the hottest music videos all the…