Even though there hasn’t been any official news, it looks like Niantic began offering exclusive information to certain Pokemon GO YouTubers that will share the details with their audience. This is definitely exciting for all Pokemon GO fans. Furthermore, it seems that the report has in fact been confirmed by Pokemon GO YouTuber Reversal, who said that he will be given a significant Pokemon GO update by Niantic the following month.
New additions to the popular game
Based on what we know from Reversal, Pokemon GO will start to release a new Spinda form, Shiny Kingler and Shiny Krabby with the 1st of October. Apparently, the two new shiny Pokemon GO will be accessible with new Field Research quests, which according to the mentioned YouTuber will be easier in comparison with the earlier quests. At the same time when Shiny Kingler and Shiny Krabby will go live, the new Spinda form will also become available. In case you are still not sure about how to find Spinda, remember that it will normally start appearing from the Throw 3 Curveball quests.
Reversal also posted a message on Reddit about this news
In the post that the YouTuber published on Reddit he says that Niantic just told him that Shiny Krabby and Shiny Kingler, together with the Third Spinda Quest will be released during the Suicune Research Breakthrough Month. He also added that if he will have any other news that he can share with us, he will let us know. But the two Shiny Pokemon are not the only ones that we will be waiting for. Fans also hope to see Shiny Beldum launched in the game in October. You probably know this already, that Beldum is the featured Pokemon for the Pokemon GO Community Day, which is about to come.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.