Rumors that hint towards the development of the PlayStation 5 has been circulating for a few weeks on the internet. While many speculated how it will look and perform, Sony is still very secretive when the matter is implied.
In a recent press statement offered by Sony Corporation CEO Kenichiro Yoshida, the executive has acknowledged the need for next-generation hardware. The statement is vague indeed, but it may just confirm the fact that Sony is covertly working on a new iteration of the world-famous gaming console.
While the PS4 has outsold the Xbox One, Sony can’t deny the fact that Microsoft offers a console that is superior in some aspects. The improved versions, Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro have also battled for supremacy, and improved hardware allowed Xbox to seize the crown.
Many people tend to argue that hardware is not that big of a deal, but the Xbox One X was able to deliver flawless gameplay at an impressive 4K resolution and 60 frames-per-second. The Pro is also able to reach this feat, but a large list of AAA games cannot maintain either the resolution or the FPS number at the same time, with most games offering an upscaled alternative in order to compensate for the loss.
It was also surprising that while Sony pioneered the use of Blu-ray discs, it was Microsoft that added a built-in Ultra-HD Blu-ray player to its console, allowing people to enjoy an impressive video experience without the need to buy a dedicated player, as the cheapest start at around $300.
After accepting the demands of the gaming community, Sony finally enabled cross-play, first for Fortnite, with more titles are reported to come in the future. Now it sees that Sony is also looking on making the next console backwards-compatible with the previous generations, as fans have criticized its policy of releasing HD remakes at what they deem to be unreasonable prices.
For now, the PS5 remains a dream.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.