Digital Overload

The Popular Showbox App Is Here With New TV Shows

Showbox is one of the best ways of watching app TV shows for free. However, the fact that such an application exists, free of cost, is controversial to say the least. This might be exactly the reason why Showbox dealt with some problems lately.

It all started back in November when Moviebox stopped working. Moviebox is a similar app, and it allows iOS users to stream free media for free. Shortly after that, Showbox also stopped working. While this wasn’t a reason for worry at first, the situation did to change.

Finally, a Moviebox user claimed that developers informed him that the app is shutting down. Obviously, most people believe that Showbox will have the same future. Fortunately, this did not turn out to be true.

After December 3 the app began to function once again. Showbox developers did offer an explanation afterwards:

“Greetings everyone that has supported our APK for many years. Show Box has unfortunately been undergoing some legal issues which has concluded in our services being declined. We are working everyday to get our services to you, and will keep updates on this twitter page. Thank you”.

It appears that Showbox is currently with some lawsuits, and hopefully, they will manage to sort out these problems. Nonetheless, we can say that we are truly surprised by this outcome. In fact, many users claimed to be surprised that the app managed to last this long. Remember, safest way to install Showbox is using a VPN.

Most watched show

After the return of the app users were happy to return to their favourite shows. Showbox kept an eye on the preferences of the users and recently a tweet announced what is the most watched show after the return of the app: “Since the comeback of #Showbox the most watched show is #TheFlash”.

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