Rockstar is renewing their team in order to make the best version of GTA 6 for the next generation of consoles.
As Red Dead Redemption 2 has been developed, released, and sold, Rockstar’s hands are no longer full, so GTA 6 is finally beginning to being worked one for the new game consoles.
Soon enough we will have to say goodbye to the current generation of consoles as Sony and Microsoft are insisting on how great Xbox Scarlett and PlayStation 5 will be, with an incredible number of developers who are trying to come up with the best project for them. Rockstar could not lose the chance.
Rockstar India is looking for an environment design employee, and according to GearNuke, if you want the job, you will need to be ready to help them with creating next-generation worlds for the existing projects that are about to come.
Some other job openings are available at Rockstar Toronto, a Senior Technical Artist, and at Rockstar New York, a Technical Face Developer.
If we take a look at the language on the job listings, there is no doubt that Rockstar’s goal is to use their powerful tech in order to create something extremely futuristic.
There is also something else mentioned, the latter job listing which insists on the creation of new approaches to animation retargeting, character deformation, facial animation rigging/tracking, and secondary motion simulation.
Regarding the motion capture position, it asks the potential employees to use the existing tools to create something worthy of the next generation.
As Rockstar is looking for some talented employees that are good enough to create something unique, it means that the company is already working on a GTA 6 version for the Xbox Scarlett and PS5.
Well, for starters, Rockstar President Leslie Benzies officially confirm GTA 6 in 2013.
Back in 2013, the GTA 6 had been confirmed officially by Leslie Benzies, the Rockstar President who said in an interview with Develop Magazine that they do not know hot GTA 6 will look like, but they will make it happen.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.