As we’re speaking, the update is gradually finding its own way on the entire world.
We’ve all heard of One UI, which is Samsung’s version of Android 9 Pie, technically speaking. Well, now it’s officially finding its path to the Samsung Galaxy S9, Samsung Galaxy S9+, and Samsung Galaxy Note 9. It’s bound to be all around the world soon. We also have to mention that this is the final built of One UI, and not the beta, and this means that it is completely polished and without any bugs – or, at least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.
This is a big update and, as we all know what it’s like with big updates, it might take a while until they find their way with everyone.
What do people have to say about it?
We looked around the internet to see what people had to say about this and if they already got it or not.
Some people already got One UI for their Samsung Galaxy Note 9, under Android 9.0 Pie. We’re talking about a public release.
People from the UK are also very pleased with it so far.
We must mention that this is the second beta update for the phone. This update comes with fixed bugs and with other useful solutions for problems. For example, they solved the microSD card not being detected, the screen freezing after entering the PIN in order to unlock the phone, and the camera app force-closing when doing things in the slow motion video mode.
However, there’s one bug that has not been fixed. We’re talking about the People Edge feature that makes the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 to reboot. The best thing to do is simply not use it, and disable it, until the issue is fixed.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.