We have heard that the next version of Android will be Q (we are still waiting for the dessert name, Google!), and we know what it will offer to us as soon as it meets the light of the day. We have written this article to give you the best features of the new operating system.
Dark mode
A dark mode is highly needed. It cannot hurt our eyes and, also, it helps with power efficiency. Google has confirmed that a dark mode will come to the new Android Q – and it is by default.
User permissions get improved
People have started to worry about how and, most importantly, which of their data will be made available to third-party apps. Android P did something to minimize the access of these kinds of details, and for Android Q they’re working even more on this matter.
In order for Android Q to know what units and sensors are uses – storage, microphone – smartphones with Android Q will tell the users which app is reading their location.
Face ID-like feature
This will soon make its appearance on all the phones – and it is definitely a cheaper feature (see iPhone X). of course, we cannot compare Apple with Google, but we know for sure that users will be able to unlock their phones by using a Face ID-like feature.
Desktop mode
It is most likely that Android Q will come with this after the entire deal with the transformation of the smartphone on Samsung’s Dex Mode. Users will be able to plug in their smartphones to their desktops and then use it like a PC that is powered by Android.
This is very popular, especially in businesses.

As a passionate gamer since the 1990s, Vadim has kept his passion alive since then, and he is here to cover video games news, as well as to share with you all the novelties out there regarding gadgets or games-related tech.