It’s been some time since we started wondering when the beta version of Android Q would make its appearance, given the fact that all the releases have happened during this time of the year. Google has some news for us, but according to the date filter, the beta will be launched on the 11th of March.
Is the release date of Android Q Beta the 11th of March?
It was first spotted by Mishaal Rahman, who’s an XDA-Developers. So bug tracker for the Android Q Beta has just been released for us. If you search carefully on Google, in the description for bugs that have been already reported, you’ll get to an issue Tracker search, that comes with a date filter for the 11th of March. This actually means that only reports made after the 11th of March can be seen, so only the bugs from the general public will be shown. This is also another confirmation that the Q Beta will be released on that exact date.
It’s been also said that Android Q Beta will be compatible with more devices. The Android Developer, named Illiyan Malchev made some comments about the fact that the operating system might support some other Android smartphones, too. We know that there are more, however, no models were named.
Many new features for Android Q
Rumor has it, Android Q will come with many features, such as a native face unlock, limitation for background apps and app downgrades, a dark mode for the entire system and even a desktop mode.
We’re also curios what desert we’re going to enjoy until the next operating system makes its appearance.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.