Sims 4 not opening on your Mac? Follow through this guide to open it.
Sims 4 is a high-end computer game, specially designed for Windows PC and Apple’s Mac. However, this tutorial is specific to Mac users, who are experiencing Sims 4 loading error (not opening) on their computers.
To fix this error, we have come up with some solutions for you.
Fix: Sims 4 Won’t Open Mac
Method 1: Check Mac Specs
First off, Sims 4, as pointed out earlier, is a top end game, which requires advanced system specs and updated graphics drivers. Hence, if the game won’t open on your computer, it’s possible that you’re running an unsupported version of Mac.
Below is a summary of the minimum system requirements of Sims 4 (on Mac):
- Version: MacOS X Lion (10.7.5)
- CPU (Processor): Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz
- RAM: 4GB
- GPU: GeForce 9600M GT (NVIDIA) and/or Radeon HD 2600 Pro (ATI/AMD)
- Storage: 15 GB (Free)
- Video RAM: 256MB
If your Mac falls short of these specs, in any way, you won’t be able to open the game. In this case, the ultimate solution would be to upgrade, as appropriate.
However, if your computer meets the required specs, and Sims 4 still fails to open, you can try the solution(s) below.
Method 2: Restart Mac
To resolve the issue of Sims 4 not opening via system reboot, follow the steps below:
- Sign out of “Origin” and close it.
- Restart your Mac.
- Sign back into “Origin” (after system restart).
- Launch Sims 4.
The game should now open fine. If you’re still unable to open it, try the next troubleshooting method.
Method 3: Repair Game
To repair Sims 4, follow the steps below:
- Launch “Origin” and log in with your id.
- Locate and select your games library
- Find “The Sims 4” and right-click on it.
- Select “Repair Game”.
Now, try and relaunch the game.
Method 4: Open in Applications Folder
If you are still unable to access the game, while Origin is open, try opening it directly from the applications folder in your Mac.
Closing Note
If the above fixes could not resolve the issue, you can reinstall the game (and Origin) and see if it works.
Still unable to open Sims 4 after re-installation? Contact EA’s support team for assistance.
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Daniel Segun is a Content Writer with over 4 years experience revolving around Technology, Digital Marketing, and Business. When he is not writing, he is probably busy building websites. You can reach him at his official website.