It would appear that production on the upcoming movie adaptation of the Uncharted video game franchise has officially begun in earnest once again following a shutdown earlier this year thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Tom Holland, who portrays a young version of the treasure hunter Nathan Drake in the film, shared a photo on social media earlier today that appears to indicate that today marks the production starting back up.
The photo, which you can check out below, is relatively straightforward and simple. It is just a cropped photo of what appears to be the back of a chair with “NATE” on it. Holland accompanied the photo with a brief caption as well: “Day one #uncharted”
“There was definitely a lot of inspiration that came from the games, but it’s a very young, fresh take on the character because, obviously, we didn’t get to meet him all that much when he was younger,” Holland previously said of the adaptation. “But it’s a pretty awesome movie, and it’s global. We travel the world, we see some amazing places, and Mark Wahlberg and I are going to have a great summer together.”
The Uncharted movie is currently slated to release on July 16, 2021. It stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, Mark Wahlberg as Victor “Sully” Sullivan, and Antonio Banderas in an unnamed role. Venom director Ruben Fleischer currently serves as the director on the adaptation. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the upcoming video game adaptation right here.
What do you think of the production starting back up? Are you excited to see the movie when it releases next year? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!
Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.