Digital Overload

Facebook: Learn How to Delete Watched Videos

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

Life doesn’t seem to have any meaning at all without Meta/Facebook, as all our exes and crushes use the platform on a regular daily basis. If you’re on Facebook, you can stalk on all those people that you either appreciate or have a dismay for.

Deleting the videos you’ve watched is one way of receiving new video recommendations from Facebook. Therefore, let’s learn how to get rid of those watched Facebook videos, shall we?


If you’re using Facebook on an Android device or iPhone, here’s what you need to do to delete watched videos on Facebook:

  1. Log into your account on Facebook.
  2. Tap on Menu and head over to the Settings option, which you’ll find in the bottom-right area.
  3. Select Activity log below your information.
  4. Expand Your activity across the Facebook menu.
  5. Select Posts and More.
  6. Select the Videos you’ve watched option.
  7. Near the Watched Video, select the three-dot icon and hit the Delete option.
  8. You can also hit the Clear Video Watch History if you need to delete all of the Watched Videos at the same time.

On the PC:

Here’s how you can delete watched videos on Facebook from your laptop/desktop PC:

  1. Head over to Facebook and log into your account.
  2. Select Profile, and then hit the Settings & Privacy option.
  3. Head over to the Activity log.
  4. Select the Videos you’ve watched option.
  5. If you want to delete history selectively, you will need to select the three-dots icon that appears next to the watched video history and hit the Delete option.

Feel free to also read our previous article about the best tips to become popular fast on Facebook!

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