There are plenty of rumors going on across the internet about a fourth major installment of the legendary Mafia series, and if they are true, we should get official confirmation soon enough. The retro open-world genre of gaming still has a lot to offer, and it is surely just a matter of time before Mafia IV will show up, regardless if it will launch in a few months, in a few years, or even more.
The Mafia series is just too good and popular to be left aside. The first Mafia game came out in 2002, while its successor, Mafia II, came out 8 years later. Both games were exceptionally great for their time, and it was a matter of time before the third major installment of the series came out. Mafia III was released in 2016, and let’s just say that it wasn’t as well received as the first two games of the series. The fans wanted a lot more and hoped that Mafia IV would fix all of the shortcomings of Mafia III.
A larger map
The maps in all of the Mafia games that came out so far were pretty big, especially those of Mafia III. However, we can always get more from an open-world game, especially one that will come out in 2024 or beyond. In other words, Mafia IV can use a much larger map than any of the first three games of the series. We can expect more buildings, more entertainment options for the protagonist, more retro cars, and so on.
Speaking of protagonists, this takes us to the next heading of our article.
Make Vito Scaletta great again!
Vito Scaletta, the protagonist of the Mafia II game, has been added as a side character in Mafia III as well. In other words, the famous war veteran received less praise in Mafia III, but he surely deserves a lot more. We can realistically hope that Mafia IV will fix this when it comes out, given the great popularity of Vito. We can expect the future game to add more than just one single protagonist, similar to GTA 5. Two or even three protagonist characters, each with his own charm, would surely sound better for Mafia IV than just one protagonist.
Vito Scaletta needs to shine again, and who knows: perhaps we’ll even see Joe Barbaro, his trusted friend, once again. Nobody seems to know for sure if Joe has died after the end of Mafia II or not.
More side missions
Mafia II was truly a masterpiece of gangster games, but even so, we all had to admit that the game could have used more side missions than it has. That automatically translates to more motivation to explore the beautiful Empire Bay map, even though the game does offer a generous set of collectibles in the form of Playboy magazines and “wanted” posters of different bandits.
We can surely expect the devs to add plenty of side missions in Mafia IV, as the player could guide the protagonist to do a lot of dirty work for a loan shark, assassinate important members of an organization, and a lot more. The world of open-world video games can surely have a lot more to offer than it has already had.
It would be somewhat reasonable for Mafia IV to land for consoles at first, and we can even expect the game to demand more than 200GB of storage space. It will probably land for PCs afterward, but only God knows for sure.

Tim M. Hill helped bring Digital-Overload from a weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. He continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a writer to Digital-Overload, Tim mainly covers mobile news and gadgets.